Upcoming "Watch Your Language" Workshops
=> Write a Winning Resume
=> Ace the Interview
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WeWork SOMA, San Francisco
So excited to be at WeWork,
we hosted an ice cream social for the entire building.
Yummy! Take a look at our photos.

Experience Unlimited, Walnut Creek, CA - Ace the Interview - Tuesday, May 21, 2013 -
"Mauri Schwartz gave the best presentation ever heard by our organization. As the speaker coordinator, I can attest that Mauri has the most pertinent and immediately helpful presentation for job seekers. Specifically, Mauri's advice about job interviews is the most insightful and informative we have witnessed."...Ted Pierce, Trade Association CEO and Government Relations Expert
Dartmouth College Alumni, San Francisco Chapter - Wednesday, May 8, 2013 - Network Within to Advance Your Brand
Theatre Bay Area Annual Conference - Monday, April 29, 2013 - Selling Yourself:
Snagging the Day Job
to Pay the Bills - Berkeley, CA
HR West 2013 (NCHRA - Northern California Human Resources Association) - participated in a panel presentation hosted by Dr. B. Lynn Ware, President & CEO, Integral Talent Systems, Inc discussing New Ideas in Career Development: For Starters, Leverage Technology - Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Chevron Corporation - Network Within to Advance Your Brand to a group of 90 intelligent, on-the-ball managers at Chevron's Women's Network Summit - Thursday, March 21, 2013 - San Ramon, CA
Tulane University, New Orleans - Tuesday March 12, 2013 - Use LinkedIn to Navigate the Job Market - to students and to university career advising staff - New Orleans, LA
UC Berkeley Haas School of Business, Networking Within webinar to students and alumni, July 24, 2012
Mauri was invited for the 3rd year in a row to speak at Opportunity Knocks/YNPNsfba's
annual Nonprofit Career Conference where she presented 5 Key Strategies for Leveraging LinkedIn to Advance your Career - June 28, 2012
Career Insiders President Mauri Schwartz demonstrated 5 essential LinkedIn strategies that are unknown to most LinkedIn users. Implementing these techniques, her clients have boosted their response rates drastically, and most of them have landed new jobs with Mauri’s assistance. Enter through the Back Door: 5 Key Strategies for Leveraging LinkedIn to Advance your Career, June 12, 2012, The SF Chapter of the Financial Executive Networking Group (FENG)
Evisors' subscription base of some of the world's best business schools including Harvard, Wharton, Tuck, Stanford, Oxford, and Cambridge, 5 Strategies to Maximize the Use of LinkedIn in your Job Search webinar, April 24, 2012
UC Haas School of Business, 5 Strategies to Maximize the Use of LinkedIn in your Job Search webinar to students and alumni, April 5, 2012
UC Haas School of Business, Networking Within webinar to students and alumni, February 24, 2012
Career Insiders is proud to announce that we have been a Gold Exhibitor for 3 years in a row at the ASTD EXPO - Mt. Diablo Chapter in 2012, 2011, and 2010.
Career Insiders President Mauri Schwartz was invited to speak to the San Francisco East Bay chapter of Association for Women in Science on November 5, 2011 - Maximize the Use of LinkedIn in Your Job Search.
Silicon Valley Chapter of
Financial Executives International, Career Services Luncheon September 6, 2011 - Write a Winning Resume -
The Objective of a Resume is NOT to Get a Job.
Mauri was invited once again to be a keynote speaker at Opportunity Knocks/YNPNsfba's annual Nonprofit Career Conference where she presented Job Search Strategies: Tools of the Trade on
June 16, 2011.
"Mauri was so, so good. She presented so well. She really illuminated the process and had us all rapt with attention. I could have sat there for another two hours."
On June 17, 2011, Mauri delivered an all-day Career Boot Camp at the University of California at Santa Cruz.
UC Haas School of Business Alumni Network - East Bay Chapter - Build Your Professional Network to Energize Your Career – Using LinkedIn for Your Job Search - April 28, 2011. Here's some feedback from attendees:
"Mauri did an exceptional presentation last night at the Haas event! Her insight regarding LinkedIn is very valuable. It's time I updated my account."
ASTD Mt. Diablo Chapter EXPO - October 19, 2010
ASTD Mt. Diablo Chapter - How to Build Your Professional Network to Energize Your Career: Networking with Ease and Confidence, presented by Career Insiders President Mauri Schwartz on September 21, 2010.
UC Haas School of Business Alumni Reunion - April 22, 2010 - Build Your Professional Network to Energize Your Career
Nonprofit Career Conference - June 29, 2010
Tulane - Newcomb Career Boot Camp - October 2-3, 2009